Class symantec.itools.db.swing.editors.EditorsResourceLoader
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Class symantec.itools.db.swing.editors.EditorsResourceLoader


public final class EditorsResourceLoader
extends Object

This class loads the Resource.

It implements the Singleton Design Pattern.

See Also:
ResourceBundle, ListResourceBundle

Method Index

 o getBundle()
This method is the same as: java.util.ResourceBundle.getBundle("symantec.itools.db.swing.editors.EditorsResource")) Unfortunately we cannot override getBundle() - it is final.
 o getInstance()
 o main(String[])


 o getBundle
public java.util.ResourceBundle getBundle()
This method is the same as: java.util.ResourceBundle.getBundle("symantec.itools.db.swing.editors.EditorsResource")) Unfortunately we cannot override getBundle() - it is final. Everywhere where you need to load Resource use this: EditorsResourceLoader.getBundle() It prevents from loading the same resource file multiple times. The usage of the resource remains the same: MyResource.getString() - MyResource is the reference that is in your code

 o getInstance
public static synchronized symantec.itools.db.swing.editors.EditorsResourceLoader getInstance()
 o main
public static void main(String[] args)

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